News & Announcements Archive

Celebrating Dr. Fried and the FiGURE Program!

Celebrating Dr. Fried and the FiGURE Program!

Dr. Stephen Fried has been featured in the Hub for his intersession FiGURE program, designed to help first-generation and underprivileged students gain meaningful laboratory experience. Read more about the program and the research the students did on membrane folding in complex proteins here.

Celebrating Ed Twomey in the Johns Hopkins Magazine

Celebrating Ed Twomey in the Johns Hopkins Magazine

We are proud to announce that PMB faculty member Ed Twomey has been featured in the Johns Hopkins Magazine! Follow the link to learn more about the work done in Twomey’s Cryo-EM lab, his personal story, and his appearance in the Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list earlier this year.

Dr. Karen Fleming named as a 2022 Biophysical Society Fellow!

Dr. Karen Fleming named as a 2022 Biophysical Society Fellow!

The Fellow award is given to Biophysical Society members who have “demonstrated sustained excellence in science and have contributed to the expansion of the field of biophysics.” The new Fellows will be honored at the Awards Ceremony that will take place at the Biophysical Society’s 66th Annual Meeting in February 2022. Congratulations!

Congratulations Dr. Anthony Veltri for successfully defending his dissertation!

Congratulations Dr. Anthony Veltri for successfully defending his dissertation!

On September 21, Anthony Veltri defended his dissertation titled Molecular States of the Ribosome Regulate the Transcriptome by Linking Protein Synthesis And mRNA Decay. Bravo, Anthony!

In Memoriam, Mario Amzel

In Memoriam, Mario Amzel

PMB is deeply saddened by the passing of Mario Amzel, one of the founders of Biophysics at Johns Hopkins. Mario was a true scholar with a vast knowledge of biophysics, physiology, structural biology, and physical chemistry. And Mario was a dear friend. He will be greatly missed by his biophysics family.

Congratulations Edgar!

Congratulations Edgar!

2nd year PMB student Edgar Manriquez-Sandoval was nominated for the 2022 Global Young Scientist Summit (GYSS). Edgar will be among the first group of participants from Johns Hopkins University and plans to take full advantage of this opportunity!

Kudos to Prof. Karen Fleming!

Kudos to Prof. Karen Fleming!

PMB professor Karen Fleming has been inducted into the first ever class of ASBMB fellows. ASBMB fellows are recognized for their meritorious efforts to advance the molecular life sciences through sustained outstanding accomplishments in areas such as scientific research, education, mentorship, commitment to diversity and service to the society and scientific community.

Congratulations Amanda!

Congratulations Amanda!

Congratulations to Amanda Qu for being awarded a 2021 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Amanda is currently a second year student in Doug Barrick’s lab. Yay Amanda!!!

Congratulations to Mel Nune!

Congratulations to Mel Nune!

PMB student Mel Nune won the Young Investigators’ Day Alicia Showalter Reynolds Award! This award is provided by the Dean’s Office of the School of Medicine, and recognizes the research of outstanding Ph.D. students across the School of Medicine. Mel will be recognized at an awards ceremony on April 6th.

Congratulations to PMB student Mayukh Chakrabarti

Congratulations to PMB student Mayukh Chakrabarti

On his first-author publication in the journal Structure, entitled “Allosteric Activation of PI3Ka Results in Dynamic Access to Catalytically Competent Conformations.”